Me and Bono in the Kitchen

Well, not really. Not in the physical sense anyway. But if I’m in the kitchen you can bet U2 is blasting as loud as I think those I live with can take it at the moment. And if I’m home alone? There is no limit to the ‘up’ button or my own personal volume control. It’s better than singing in the car.

I’ve always liked to cook, but lately, within the last six months; my mother being sick, me being unemployed, extended family visits, etc (truly the list goes on – it’s been one of those years), I’ve really enjoyed cooking. I’m trying new recipes and creating my own variations on anything I find. No longer afraid of breaking away from a recipe, I find myself looking at a picture and scanning the ingredients then thinking how I can make it lighter, perhaps a bit healthier. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. This has become quite a passion for me and I enjoy it more than I ever thought possible.The praise I’m receiving from those I’ve cooked for is starting to sink in and is giving me the confidence to try new things, to experiment more. I kind of feel like this is my Acthung Baby phase, no Joshua Tree to chop down but moving on, growing and changing to be sure.

Food equals love. For my whole life I’ve battled with an addiction to food. I absolutely love it. Like many others though, we have to be careful in this house what we eat and how much we eat. I think I’ve finally resolved myself to this ‘problem’ in my life. Now it is that daily challenge of making food that is relevant, tastes good, is satisfying, not too mysterious, and all out rocks. Basically, food made with love that goes both ways.

So, even though a girl can always daydream in the kitchen while cooking, while singing, while listening to her ‘boys’ , my deepest connection between the music and the food is the love that is being put out there in the world to share. Granted I’m not making food for 80,000 people every night (thank goodness), I am making food to sooth my soul, nourish others with love, and to be creative. My two passions coming together to assault my senses at any given moment is glorious. And if Bono ever did stop by? Well, I’d have him chop some carrots for me.